n 教育和工作背景 (1) 2007-09 至 2011-06,湖北师范大学,生物技术,学士; (2) 2011-09 至 2017-06,汕头大学,海洋生物学,博士; (3) 2017-09 至 2019-11,华南农业大学,畜牧学流动站,在站博士后; (4) 2019-12 至 今, 仲恺农业工程学院,动物科技学院,副研究员。
n 代表性科研项目(主持经费共计41万多) 1) 中国国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目批准号31802307,GPR120细胞信号通路在黄斑蓝子鱼HUFA合成调控中的作用及机制研究,201901- 202112,26.00万元,结题,主持; 2) 中国博士后科学基金第62批资助面上项目,项目批准号2017M622707,GPR120信号途径在蓝子鱼LC-PUFA合成中的调控机制研究,201711-201912,5万元,结题,主持; 3) 横向类科研项目,项目批准号D12222241,牛蛙营养研究,202203-202712,10万元,主持。
n 代表性论文(*为通信作者,+为共同第一作者,分区根据JCR系统) 1. You C+., Miao S+., Xie Z., Lin S., Wang S., Chen C., Lin L., Huang Y., Zhou M., Dong Y*., Li Y*., Ping Zhuang. (2024). Cloning. Tissue specificity and regulation of expression of genes of four key enzymes related to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) biosynthesis by ambient salinity during embryogenesis in the marine teleost Siganus guttatus, Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol, 269: 110903. (Q1,影响因子:2.231) 2. Dong, Y+., Xie, Z+., You, C., Li, M., Li, Y., Zhao, J., Xie, D., Wang, S., Li, Y*. (2023). GPR120–ERK1–Srebp1c signaling pathway regulates long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus, Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol, 264:110815. (Q1,影响因子:2.231) 3. Dong, Y+., Liu L+., Li M., Xie, D., Zhao J., Wang, S., You, C., Li, Y*. (2022). Insulin can up-regulate LC-PUFA biosynthesis with the involvement of Srebp-1c and stimulatory protein 1 (Sp1) in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Gene, 840, 14675. (Q2,影响因子:3.913) 4. Xie, D+., Chen, C+., Dong, Y+., You, C., Wang, S., Monroig, Ó., Tocher, D. R., Li, Y*. (2021). Regulation of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in teleost fish. Prog lipid res, 82 (2021) 101095. (JCR 一区,影响因子:16.195) 5. Dong, Y+., Wang, S+., You, C., Xie, D., Jiang Q*., Li, Y*. (2020). Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (Hnf4α) is involved in transcriptional regulation of Δ6/Δ5 fatty acyl desaturase (fad) gene expression in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol, 39, 110353. (Q1,影响因子:2.231) 6. Li, Y*+., Zhao, J+., Dong, Y+., Yin, Z., Li, Yang., Liu, Y., You, C., Monroig, Ó., Tocher, D. R., Wang, S*. (2019). Sp1 is Involved in Vertebrate LC-PUFA Biosynthesis by Upregulating the Expression of Liver Desaturase and Elongase Genes. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (20), 5066. (Q1,影响因子:5.924) 7. Dong, Y+., Zhao, J+., Chen, J+., Wang, S., Liu, Y., You, C., Zhang, Q., Monroig, Ó., Tocher, D. R., Li, Y*. (2018). Cloning and characterization of ∆6/∆5 fatty acyl desaturase (fad) gene promoter in the marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Gene, 647, 174-180. (Q1,影响因子:3.688) 8. Li, Y*+., Yin, Z+., Dong, Y+., Wang, S., Monroig, Ó., Tocher, D. R., You, C*. (2018). Pparγ is involved in the transcriptional regulation of liver lc-pufa biosynthesis by targeting the Δ6Δ5 fatty acyl desaturase gene in the marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Mar Biotechnol. 21:19-29. (Q1,影响因子:3.619) 9. Li, Y*+., Zeng, X+., Dong, Y+., Chen, C., You, C., Tang, G., Chen, J., Wang, S. (2018). Hnf4α is involved in lc-pufa biosynthesis by up-regulating gene transcription of elongase in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Int J Mol Sci, 19. 3193. (Q1,影响因子:5.924) 10. Dong, Y+., Wang, S+., Chen, J+., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., You, C., Monroig, Ó., Tocher, D. R., Li, Y*. (2016). Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (hnf4α) is a transcription factor of vertebrate fatty acyl desaturase gene as identified in marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Plos One, 11(7), e0160361. (Q1,影响因子:3.7).
n 专利 (1) 游翠红; 林蠡; 黄燕华; 周萌; 董烨玮; 赵丽娟 ; 一种具有促生长和降肝脂功效的卵形鲳鲹幼鱼高脂配合饲料及其制备方法, 2021-06-09, 中国, CN202110642083.4. |