n 教育、进修经历 2006.09~ 2009.12,中山大学生科院,植物学,理学博士 2004.09~ 2006.07,中山大学生科院,植物学,理学硕士 1999.09~ 2003.07, 长江大学生科院,生物技术,理学学士 n 代表性科研项目 1.入侵种南美蟛蜞菊与本土种蟛蜞菊杂种区的适应性渐渗研究(31670384),主持, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2017.01~2020.12 2. 基于基因组数据的枫香属物种形成生物地理学模式推断(31000111), 主持, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2011.01-2013.12 3. 外来入侵种南美蟛蜞菊、本地种及自然杂交种对低温胁迫的生理生态响应及遗传学基础,中国博士后第四批特别资助项目,2011.04~ 2012.07 4.枫香与缺萼枫香物种分化的居群遗传学模式研究(20100470984),主持,博士后面上基金,2010.07~ 2012.07 5. 长花期特色花卉棱果花新品种选育(子课题),主持,广东省林业科技创新项目,2020.04-2024.12 n 代表性论文、著作等 1. Wu W., Ng W-L, Yang JX, Li WM, Ge XJ. 2018. High cryptic species diversity revealed by genome-wide polymorphisms of a wild relative banana, Musa itinerans and implications for its conservation in subtropical China.BMC Plant Biology, doi 10.1186/s12870-018-1410-6, in press (JCR: 1区) 2. Zhang L., Yan HF.,Wu W., * Yu H. and Ge X.J. 2013. Comparative transcriptome analysis and marker development of two closely related Primrose species (Primula poissonii andPrimula wilsonii). BMC Genomics, 14:329. (JCR: 1区) 3. Wu W.,(#) Yang YL., He WM., Rouard M., Li WM., Xu M., Roux N., Ge XJ. 2016. Whole genome sequencing of a banana wild relativeMusa itinerans provides insights into lineage-specific diversification of theMusa genus.Scientific Reports, 2016; 6:31586 (JCR:1区) 4. Wu W.,Zhou RC.,Ni GY., Shen H., Ge XJ. 2013. Is a new invasive herb emerging? Molecular confirmation and preliminary evaluation of natural hybridization between the invasiveSphagneticola trilobata(Asteraceae) and its native congenerS. calendulacea in South China. Biological Invasions, 15:75–88 (JCR:1区) 5. Wu W.,Zhou RC.,Huang H.R. and Ge X.J. 2010. Development of microsatellite loci for the invasive weed Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitchc. (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany,97: E114-E116(JCR:1区) 新品种证书: 野牡丹新品种授权证书 豆蔻年华(20190320)周仁超,吴伟,黄颂谊,沈海岑,陈峥 n 教学科研获奖情况 无 |